• Question: Did you enjoy University? Did you find it was more interesting than the science in school?

    Asked by Katherine to Shona, Philip, Luke, Angeline on 10 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Angeline Burrell

      Angeline Burrell answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      Yes, I liked university a lot. It was great to be in classes where the teachers had a deeper knowledge of the subject and to be surrounded by students who wanted to be there and wanted to study.

    • Photo: Shona Whittam

      Shona Whittam answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      I felt like at University we learnt how to apply the physics to real life stations rather than just learning about theory. So yes I found that more interesting.

    • Photo: Philip Moriarty

      Philip Moriarty answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      I wasn’t a great student at university. It was really when I got into Year 4 that I suddenly connected with the course and realised that physics was indeed what I wanted to do with my life! A big part of that was my final year project (on the development of computer models for CT scans) which consumed my life for a number of months and which I thoroughly enjoyed.
